Enough Talk of a Biden Re-Election Bid — Put America First
Incredibly, with all the mistakes in foreign policy, economic policy, border policy, and the rest, no heads have rolled.

President Biden reportedly told President Obama recently that he’s going to run for re-election. It’s a bravado point, but frankly I don’t see how he can possibly do it.
Polls are suggesting only about a third of the country supports him. Virtually his entire agenda to transform America has been defeated. Catastrophe after catastrophe has broken his presidency.
It began with the collapse of Afghanistan and continued with the crisis of inflation and gasoline prices; his Covid masking policy is in disrepair and an expected bounce in the polls from the Russia-Ukraine war never materialized. He’s always been a dollar short and a day late.
Even now, Mr. Biden is so intimidated by Vladimir Putin that he won’t announce a mission goal of Ukrainian victory.
The crisis at the border is deepening and will become far worse when Title 42 expires.
The national crime problem seems unsolvable.
Mr. Biden’s boasting about a miracle infrastructure bill has just been undermined by his own White House council on environmental quality, which is overturning congressional intent by imposing outrageously restrictive environmental rules that will literally stop construction and kill millions of hard-hat blue-collar jobs.
Even renewable projects will be stopped by the radicals on his staff.
Mr. Biden’s proposals for significant tax hikes are hugely unpopular.
His questionable family finances rest precariously in the hard-drive of son Hunter’s laptop.
His personal behavior repeatedly suggests cognitive disabilities. Mr. Biden may think he’s going to run again, but almost no one else does.
Voters are always willing to forgive presidential mistakes if they see clear evidence of a change in policy: Okay, this hasn’t worked, so we’re going to try something different.
Trouble is, Mr. Biden — in almost every case — remains in denial that there is a problem. That by itself is perhaps his single biggest problem. Things are happening that aren’t supposed to happen, and yet he’s not doing anything about it. This leaves the country in a rather hopeless, demoralized state of anxiety.
Today looks bad, but tomorrow’s going to be worse. Come what may in the midterm elections this November, when I believe the cavalry is coming to change the Congress, you’ll still have 2.5 years of a Biden presidency. In a country that loves to be optimistic, that becomes a rather pessimistic point of view.
What’s at stake here — particularly in a wartime situation with virulent inflation and a deteriorating economy — is America’s future. That is much more important than Mr. Biden’s future. People know there is something very wrong with this story.
I was attracted to a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed by Senator Romney, the former governor and GOP standard bearer, who is an excellent economic thinker. He writes about “all the Biden errors,” including “worsening inflation, too much spending, too much borrowing, too much money printing, too many regulations.”
The money sentence in Mr. Romney’s piece is this: “President Biden needs to ditch his woke advisers and surround himself with people who want to get the economy working again.”
Usually, when things go very wrong in a presidency, the chief executive moves to change and replace his senior people. Yet incredibly, with all the mistakes in foreign policy, economic policy, border policy, and the rest, no heads have rolled.
This is remarkable — and devastatingly disappointing, because if the same far-left, woke group responsible for the mistakes in security and the economy remain in place, then the mistakes will be repeated. Nowhere is this more evident than the obsession with climate change that really forms the backbone of everything the Bidens do.
We have an inflation emergency, a big economic problem, a huge energy problem, a big border problem, and a war in Ukraine. What we don’t have is a climate crisis. If Mr. Biden is going to keep this country afloat in the months ahead, he has got to make heads roll. As Mr. Romney said, ditch the woke advisers.
Here’s a suggestion: the Fed chairman, Jay Powell, who talks the talk but does not walk the walk in the fight against inflation, has not yet been confirmed by the Senate. His nomination should be pulled and a Democratic Clinton-Obama adviser,
Larry Summers, should replace Mr. Powell at the helm of the Fed. Mr. Summers has been right about inflation.
Messrs. Biden and Powell and Janet Yellen have been completely wrong. Other moderate Democratic economists like Jason Furman or Steve Rattner or a former DHS secretary, Jeh Johnson, should be brought into the Biden Cabinet.
These are just a few polite and respectful suggestions. All I’m saying is, America comes first, before Mr. Biden’s re-election campaign. It is time for some big changes in the White House.
From Mr. Kudlow’s broadcast on Fox Business News.