New Low for Biden: Choosing Iran Over Israel and Saudi Arabia
The Iranians proudly chant ‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel.’ So naturally the Biden administration decided to back Iran.

Just when you think the Biden administration insanity can’t get any worse, they do something to disprove you.
Now comes Iran: The Bidens are apparently about to make a deal with one of America’s greatest enemies.
Iran also happens to be Israel’s greatest enemy. Israel is America’s greatest ally in the Middle East — maybe in the entire world.
Yet the Bidens don’t believe that. They’d rather choose Iran over Israel. They’d rather choose Iran over Saudi Arabia.
The Saudis have a checkered story, to be sure, but by and large they are an American ally in the Middle East.
They won’t return President Biden’s begging-for-oil phone calls because the Bidens turned their backs on Saudi Arabia by looking the other way as the Iranian-backed Houthis wage war in Yemen.
The Iranians proudly chant “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.” So naturally the Biden administration, perhaps conducting the worst foreign policy in the history of America, decided to back Iran with this Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.
Of course, the Iranians lie about their nuclear development, and they cheat and steal. They won’t let the UN or anyone else inspect key areas.
Their Revolutionary Guard military arm, which basically runs the country, is the biggest backer of terrorism in the Middle East. Think Hamas and Hezbollah and Houthis. Removing the terrorist classification for Revolutionary Guard would be more insanity.
So now, in the middle of the Russia-Ukraine war, after Mr. Biden finally declared Vladimir Putin a war criminal yesterday, after President Zelensky begged Mr. Biden to be a true leader of the free world, the Biden administration is rushing pell-mell to finish this Iran deal while nobody is really looking at it.
There is so much secrecy surrounding this, but I am going to speculate on a couple of reports.
First, the Washington Free Beacon, which claims it got ahold of Russian and Iranian documents, is reporting a $10 billion carveout of Russian sanctions that will permit a Russian construction company to build a nuclear site in Iran. The $10 billion would come by unfreezing Iranian assets in some South Korean and Japanese banks.
I like the Free Beacon: I can’t confirm all of this, but I will quote the State Department spokesman, Ned Price, who said on Tuesday, “We, of course, would not sanction Russian participation in nuclear projects that are part of resuming full implementation of the JCPOA.”
Why, Mr. Price, wouldn’t we sanction the Russians? We’re sanctioning them in Ukraine — because the Russian president is a war criminal and his military machine is committing crimes against humanity. Yet we’re going to let him build a nuclear reactor in Iran?
I think we all have to process this thought, because it is beyond insanity. It is unbelievable. Mr. Price said it, though, so there must be something there. Hats off to the Free Beacon.
There are other reports that an additional $11 billion in frozen assets will be unfrozen and shipped to Iran in return for four hostages. Which of course provides an incentive to take more hostages. Actually, if these reports are true, in round numbers, America will be providing more financial assistance to Iran than to Ukraine.
You would say, that’s not possible. I would say, that’s not possible. We would all say this is an incredible story.
The White House press secretary, Jen Psaki, argued that an Iranian deal is in our national security interests. In fact, she said it’s in the security interests of the whole world.
Right: Those freedom-loving, democracy-cherishing, peaceful-living Iranians are going to save the world. Right, Madame Psaki? Right, Mr. Biden?
Here’s the final insult: Even though this would be a treaty, which should be debated in advance of the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, the Bidens are going to try to go around the Senate just the way Obama-Biden did for the first Iranian deal, in 2015. So let’s bust the Constitution while we’re embracing one of the most destructive terrorist countries in the world.
The cavalry had better get here soon.
From Mr. Kudlow’s broadcast on Fox Business News.