GOP Can Emerge Stronger With Conservative Agenda
McCarthy showed everyone what a class act he is, and the Republicans have a terrific opportunity.

For sure, most sane people wish this Speaker McCarthy motion-to-vacate episode didn’t happen. Most sane people know that the eight Republican votes to remove Mr. McCarthy were from insurrectionists, or, as Mark Levin put it last night, anarchists, or, as the Wall Street Journal called them, “modern performance artists.”
This is because there was no substance to their complaint. They generated a national kabuki theater for 48 hours.
It’s a sad tale, but Mr. McCarthy showed everyone what a class act he is. He did the right things, and, in my view, he’s going to heaven. Now, having said all that, what’s done is done, and it’s time to move on.
The liberal press is piling on, claiming that Republicans can’t govern, they’re cutting off their own heads, and the House has become a big clown show. All this stuff is simply not true.
The GOP House members have a terrific opportunity to show the world that in fact they can govern, that they can keep it together. They will elect a new speaker from a crop of superbly qualified conservative House leaders.
The next speaker will insist on changing the rule to vacate the chair. The next speaker will continue the House’s crucial oversight work and the impeachment inquiry into the Biden family’s alleged corruption and influence peddling.
Then, the GOP will finish the appropriations job and complete, under regular budget order, the remaining eight funding bills. They’ve already covered 80 percent of the total spending package. Then they’ll send these bills over to the senate, and here’s the rub: Senator Schumer’s Senate has completed zero appropriations bills. Zero.
If there’s another shutdown after November 17th, it will be the Schumer-led Democrat senators who are to blame. The next Republican speaker should make this funding point absolutely clear. The Republican House will do its job. So far, the Democrat Senate is flunking the test.
And, then, the GOP will hang tough on measures such as its H.R. 2 bill to close the border — and also make it clear that any additional Ukraine funding must be accompanied by instructions to seek a diplomatic outcome. That’s something the Biden-Schumer Democrats have completely failed to do or even propose. It’s the Biden-Schumer war right now, and the GOP can seize the high ground by insisting on diplomatic instructions.
Also, let’s not forget, the House Republicans passed an excellent energy bill, H.R. 1, which would reopen the fossil fuel spigots and bring back the Trump permitting reforms. Plus, the House GOP passed an excellent parental rights bill.
Republican leaders should be emphasizing these accomplishments that occurred under Mr. McCarthy’s speakership, and then forge ahead and push their conservative reforms. Including a conservative budget. In other words, they can get it together, and they can govern.
Choose a speaker next week, and then get moving on a new conservative course that will stop President Biden’s big-government socialism and his administration’s attack on successful businesses, large and small.
Stop the command and control economy. Stop the war against middle-class affordability. And put America first, for a change.
From Mr. Kudlow’s broadcast on Fox Business News.