After Durham: One Crucial Question
How do we keep the FBI out of the next election?

In all the post-mortems about the Durham report, there’s one crucial question that has not yet been asked: How do we keep the FBI out of the next presidential election?
The same could be asked about the CIA, the Department of Justice, and, for that matter, the whole left-wing rat’s nest known as the Washington, D.C., swamp. Because, if something doesn’t change dramatically, they’re going to do it again.
Just the other day, the justice department ordered the IRS investigative team to stop looking at Hunter Biden’s alleged tax fraud schemes. In other words, it’s a cover-up. In other words, it’s a cover-up to protect President Biden and to get him re-elected. In other words, they’re doing it again.
Let’s be clear about this: The hyper-politicizing attorney general who takes his orders from Mr. Biden, Merrick Garland, is covering up what appears to be a massive scandal around Hunter Biden’s tax evasions and all of these family and friends LLCs that are getting money from China, Ukraine, Romania, and lord knows where else. Some of this money is being channeled to Mr. Biden, first when he was vice president and now as president.
Now, this bribery pay-for-play scheme has not been proven yet, these are allegations, but I think most Americans have come to believe in the worst case, sleaziest potential outcome of this story. With good reason.
If people are focused on the Durham report, they’re going to be even more cynical. The left-wing Democratic-run D.C. swamp is at it again.
So, the question is: How will this be stopped?
I don’t want to destroy the FBI, because we need law enforcement. I don’t want to destroy the CIA, because I believe we need a top-flight spying agency. I do want to change everything about both of them, though. Everything. Personnel, structures, rules. I want to get back to what John Durham advocated for in his report: “strict fidelity to the law.”
Thinking out loud about this, I believe we’re going to need a thorough house-cleaning of personnel.
As a young man, I worked for Ronald Reagan, and he and his senior most advisers used to always say, “Personnel is policy.” So you need a bunch of first-rate, A-team players who understand the ideas of virtue, fidelity, the rule of law, and faith in America. Get rid of all the two-bit political dirty tricksters that have been running these agencies and subverting our entire democracy.
Of course, a re-elected Mr. Biden will never do it. It is possible that a new Republican in the White House could do it. President Trump? Governor DeSantis? Others? I’m not smart enough to know who would be the best to clean house, but my vision is that it will take a strong president to repopulate these corrupt agencies.
It used to be that law enforcement people were conservatives. The FBI is a high-level police force. It used to be governed by a conservative culture. Now, and I guess in recent years, for some crazy reason, the police culture at the FBI has turned liberal.
They’re pushing Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama, and Mr. Biden — who are not tough, law enforcement types. How did this liberal culture get inside the FBI? I don’t get it.
Remember from the Durham report: The entire Russian collusion hoax was a complete fabrication from a Hillary Clinton campaign plan to subvert Donald Trump in 2016. As Mr. Durham reported: “There was never any actual evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.” Never. Any. Evidence.
Then, in the next election in 2020, you have all these retired CIA intel types with this Gang of 51 letter that denied the Hunter Biden laptop ever existed and called it a Russian disinformation campaign — even though, of course, the FBI was in possession of the Hunter Biden computer starting in December 2019. And the FBI lied. And the CIA lied.
This little political scheme was put together by a guy named Antony Blinken, who is now the secretary of state, who made his way up the greasy political pole by lying and concocting his dirty little political tricks. Candidate Biden didn’t know? Of course he knew. He used this to get through the second debate.
Polls suggest that if people knew about the Hunter Biden laptop and all the corruption in that laptop, and that the FBI and the spy world covered it up, enough of them would’ve voted differently and might have re-elected Mr. Trump. There are a lot of polls that suggest this.
So, in 2016, and 2020, and now 2024, what you have is the backbone of American law enforcement and national security intelligence spending its time trying to throw elections to favored liberal Democrats. This has to be stopped.
Save America. Throw these bums out.
From Mr. Kudlow’s broadcast on Fox Business News.