Biden Administration Emerges as a Foundering Gong Show as We Barrel Toward November
This cascade of blunders and disasters is what the most dubious election result since 1876 has produced, and it is increasingly amusing to see the authors of that election strategy struggling with the consequences of their skulduggery.

It will have to stand as one of the great ironies of American political history that the most comprehensive and imaginative efforts were made to alter voting and vote-counting in U.S. presidential elections in 2020, and the beneficiary of that activity proved to be the most inept administration in the country’s history. It is hardly necessary to recite to anyone who has not spent the last 15 months underground, underwater, or in outer space what a debacle the Biden administration has been.
The United States has the highest gasoline prices and levels of illegal immigration in its history, the highest inflation in 40 years, suffered in Afghanistan the greatest military humiliation since General Hull’s surrender of Detroit to the Canadians and British in the war of 1812, (America wasn’t defeated in Vietnam, the South Vietnamese were), and has no discernible policy in the Ukraine War except to swear to defend every square inch of NATO territory, none of which is under threat.
The chairman of the joint oafs of staff, General Mark Milley, assured the nation at the outbreak of the Ukrainian war that Kiev would fall to the Russians within three days. President Biden gallantly offered Ukrainian president Zelensky and his family a guaranteed safe flight out of Ukraine. The American government was completely resigned to a swift Russian victory, the absorption of Ukraine back into Russia, the asphyxiation of the imperfect attempted democracy in that country, and another bone-crushing defeat for the West, and especially the United States, to go with the Chinese-engineered Covid shutdown, the shambles in Afghanistan, and the Iranian assumption of nuclear weapons.
Contrary to Secretary of State Baker’s promise to Gorbachev that NATO would not advance “an inch beyond” the eastern border of reunified Germany, NATO has dangled membership in front of Ukraine for 20 years. America was one of the powers that guarantied Ukraine’s sovereignty when it gave up the nuclear weapons it inherited from the Soviet Union, in 1994. In Ukraine, like everyone else’s, America’s word, from administrations of both parties, has been worthless.
Having helped to bring on the war, including by supporting an anti-Russian coup d’etat in Ukraine in 2014, NATO has been loath to have anything to do with helping Ukrainians do more than hold the center of their country as Russia plasters the civil population with unanswerable air power and artillery. Defensive weapons that would reduce Russia’s ability to smash Ukrainian cities to rubble is deemed to be “escalatory.”
America appears to wish that Ukraine could repulse the Russians without providing them with adequate weapons to do so, and is now hoping for regime change in the Kremlin, which the West possesses no ability to facilitate, and would not necessarily produce an improvement. Sanctions were supposedly a deterrent; then they had never been intended as a deterrent, and in any case, they don’t work, as China and many other countries ignore them. Russia has its own credit cards and the ruble has bounced back. At the height of the Ukrainian crisis Mr. Biden attempted to attract the nation’s attention to the largely asinine niche issue of trans-gender policy.
The president denounces President Putin as a war criminal even as he uses him to represent the United States in the outright surrender to Iran’s nuclear military ambitions. Mr. Biden is so intimidated by the lunatics on the extreme left of his party that he has renounced America’s status as an energy self-sufficient country, is begging hostile nations like Iran and Venezuela to produce more oil, and is forcing up the price of oil in order to raise Russia’s revenues to conduct its criminal aggression and to force Americans into electric cars and public transit systems.
As the stupefying totals of illegal migrants continue to rise, the administration, while claiming that the Covid crisis persists yet, prepares to give up the ability to return illegal migrants to Mexico for Covid-related reasons. The oceanic influx of unskilled and largely illiterate immigrants is being encouraged. The administration is doing precisely what it claims it is not doing and its immigration policy is at the same level of self-destructive idiocy as its energy policy.
This cascade of blunders and disasters is what the most dubious election result since 1876 has produced, and it is increasingly amusing to see the authors of that election strategy struggling desperately with the consequences of their skulduggery.
The almost totalitarian attempt of the overwhelmingly biased leftist national political media to stifle any consideration of Republican allegations of vote and vote-counting rigging in the 2020 election has finally failed. In Wisconsin and Arizona and other states, the evidence of the role of “Zuckerbucks” and the implications of over 40 million harvested ballots which could not be verified and where all the parties that had handled the ballots could not be identified, have clearly created serious doubts about the authenticity of the electoral verdict. And this has been severely aggravated by the abdication of the judiciary at every level from considering the legality of the changes to the voting and vote-counting systems ostensibly undertaken to assist the largest possible turnout during the Covid pandemic.
President Trump reduced his own credibility with nonsensical claims of having won the popular vote. And though he denounced the dangers of ballot harvesting for many months, he did nothing to prepare himself for a serious professional challenge on and after election day. Instead he allowed his moral credibility to be frittered away in helter-skelter unserious actions taken by Mayor Giuliani and some well-meaning but misdirected and outgunned associates. They were no match for the entrenched legions of Democratic electoral law specialists who had been beavering away for months, awash in money and volunteers.
The fact that Mr. Trump mishandled the issue does not negate the importance and impact of the dishonest and substantially unconstitutional methods employed by the Democrats in a number of the swing states, in an election where, despite their ant-like interventions, 43,000 votes switched in Pennsylvania and any two of Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin would have flipped the outcome in the Electoral College to Mr. Trump.
Mr. Biden’s last chance to avoid a massacre in the November midterm elections was to do a crisp professional crisis management operation in Ukraine like President Kennedy in the missile crisis of 1962 and President Nixon in the Middle East war of 1973. He has dropped the ball, has no moral authority, the Defense Department contradicts the Secretary of State about sending Polish warplanes to Ukraine, and no one has the faintest idea what America’s war aims are.
Early in November the Democrats will be looking helplessly at the smoking rubble of their congressional party and contemplating the political suicide mission that they managed to impose upon the country in the 2020 election. They will not be able to go the distance to 2024 with this foundering Gong Show.
It is even betting whether Mr. Biden invokes entirely plausible medical reasons to retire, which would earn him considerable sympathy and cover a respectable departure, or he checks out after the indictments are finally handed up against his son. In either case, the Democrats will have to recruit a serious vice president, vastly strengthen the cabinet, and surround Kamala Harris with the most skillful puppet-masters since Edgar Bergen.