Biden, It’s Becoming Clear, Intends To Put President Trump in Jail, One Way or Another

Those who think this is impossible haven’t been paying attention.

Andrew Kelly/pool via AP
President Trump in court on April 4, 2023 at New York. Andrew Kelly/pool via AP

It is hard to believe this could happen in America, but it is clear that President Biden is willing to put President Trump in jail if he can.

Like President Erdoğan of Turkey — who had to rig his last election to avoid the likelihood of being imprisoned with his son for corruption — Mr. Biden has decided that stopping his chief political opponent requires putting him in jail.

Simply indicting Mr. Trump has only strengthened him. Mr. Trump is moving from being a candidate to being the leader of a national movement. Every time he gets stronger, his leftwing opponents become more rabid, terrified, and aggressive.

After the second GOP debate, it also became clear that the Republican nomination race is over. Trump will be the Republican nominee. Polls consistently show that Mr. Biden and the Democrats are in deep trouble. They will almost certainly lose the next election if it is fair and honest.

Our most recent America’s New Majority Project poll of 2,000 registered voters between September 28 and October 1 indicated that 75 percent of Americans think the country is on the wrong track. By 59 percent to 41 percent, Americans disapprove of the job Mr. Biden is doing. Republicans lead the generic ballot for Congress by 45.5 percent to 39.5 percent.

Recently a Washington Post/ABC News poll showed Mr. Trump beating Mr. Biden by 10 points, 52 percent to 42 percent. The poll had 62 percent of Democrats saying they wanted a candidate other than Mr. Biden. On the same day, an NBC News poll showed 59 percent of Democrats saying they wanted someone other than Mr. Biden.

Everything is going to get worse, and Democrat desperation is going to grow in intensity and ferocity. Their last stand is to lock Mr. Trump up — not merely indict him, not take him to trial, lock him up. How can they do that, you ask? It is really simple.

Start with a left-wing jurist such as Judge Tanya Chutkan. Then add an aggressive prosecutor such as Jack Smith. His effort to convict Governor McDonnell of Virginia was unanimously repudiated by the U.S. Supreme Court for attempting to criminalize the routine give and take between politicians and their constituents. 

Then add in a partisan attorney general such as Merrick Garland, who hates Republicans for having blocked him from a seat on the Supreme Court. Then, simply follow the lesson of the frog in the water. Bring up the heat slowly so the frog doesn’t notice it is being boiled.

In this case, they started with the first indictment and asked for seemingly innocuous limitations on Mr. Trump’s ability to talk about the case publicly — including making threats against witnesses in the case. Week by week, they’ll ask for more limitations.

The left knows two things about Mr. Trump. First, he is naturally inclined to say what he thinks — even if it is sometimes unwise to do so. Second, he is a presidential candidate. Between speeches and media questions, he will have many opportunities to violate the gag order.

Violating the gag order would allow the judge to order the defendant to jail. So, Mr. Biden, Mr. Garland, Mr. Smith, and Judge Chutkan have set the pattern for locking up Mr. Trump.

Just watch: Sometime in the not-too-distant future, Mr. Smith will file a complaint that defendant Trump has said things which clearly violate what will by then be an extensive gag order. This will allow Judge Chutkan to immediately order Mr. Trump’s arrest by U.S. Marshals.

They know, now, that the Fulton County mug shot only helped Mr. Trump, so they will probably try to go further. They may put him in an orange jumpsuit and photograph him in handcuffs and shackles. Then, they might isolate him — as they did with Roger Stone and others — by putting him in solitary confinement, where he could only speak with his lawyer.

You may think this is impossible. You may think this can’t happen in America. Yet you have no idea how desperate they are, how much they hate and fear Mr. Trump, and how far beyond the constitutional system and the rule of law they have already gone.

What do we do about it? I don’t know. Every American, though, should ask themselves how we can stop this emerging police state from winning.

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