Biden’s Leftward Lurch Has America Galloping, Not Just ‘Creeping,’ Toward Socialism
The original sponsors of the Green New Deal, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Markey, have now come back with a new legislative proposal — Green New Deal II — that would completely socialize healthcare under the guise of climate policy.

Back in the 1950s, a lot of conservatives, objecting to the bipartisan legislative fact that FDR’s New Deal was going to remain in place, used to talk about “creeping socialism.”
President Eisenhower, who represented the moderate-to-liberal wing of the Eastern establishment GOP, made no effort during his two terms to roll back the New Deal. The Robert Taft faction objected strenuously, but the Eisenhower forces always carried the day.
This included, by the way, the 91 percent income tax rate that Ike wouldn’t cut. It was left to Democrat JFK to take the first supply-side steps and slash the top rate to 70 percent from 91 percent. Twenty years later, Reagan took it down to 28 percent.
Please see my book, “JFK and the Reagan Revolution,” still available on important websites and bookstores — but I digress. The point of all this is: We’ve come a long way.
The size and scope of government today is monumentally larger than under FDR’s New Deal.
And, under President Biden’s big-government socialism, it’s gotten even bigger. There’s the Green New Deal for starters, though it’s extended beyond climate change and the war against fossil fuels.
The original sponsors of the Green New Deal, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Markey, have now come back with a new legislative proposal, which I will call Green New Deal II. This is not creeping socialism. This is now galloping socialism, and I can’t wait for Mr. Biden to start promoting it.
Under the guise of climate policy, the Green New Deal II would completely socialize our healthcare sector — which unfortunately was partly nationalized under Obama’s Affordable Care Act that the GOP never rolled back.
The Green New Deal II twins, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and Mr. Markey, are very worried about the physical, mental, and behavioral health consequences of climate change. They are particularly concerned about the carbon footprint of the healthcare industry.
They’ve set up something called the Office of Climate and Health Equity, including individuals who are disproportionately affected by climate change. Now, are you ready for this? Individuals “disproportionately affected” are defined by a laundry list of social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion-type criteria.
You only get help from Uncle Sam if you’re under 5 years old or over 65, and you have to qualify for something called “gender minority status.” Also factored in are your immigration status, your race and ethnicity, and “your experience of racial bias.”
Now, if you’re a heterosexual white male over 5 but under 66, you’re exempt from any of these Green New Deal II benefits. And one benefit is going to be money. Lots of money. The AOC-Markey bill will undoubtedly nationalize the entire pharmaceutical industry, as well as the healthcare industry in general.
By the way, a big hat-tip to Justin Haskins of the Heartland Institute for pointing all this stuff out.
Incidentally, the first AOC-Markey Green New Deal bill was priced out at just under $100 trillion. I haven’t seen a cost/benefit of this one, but of course it is central-planning socialism on a grand scale.
Now, you will probably say: This could never happen in America. I would probably say: Never say never. Just look at the Obama years and the Biden years.
Save America. Kill this bill.
From Mr. Kudlow’s broadcast on Fox Business News.