Did China Weaponize Covid Against the Rest of the World?
The outlines of a cover-up by Beijing — as well censorship by the American press and the government — with respect to Covid appear to be getting clearer.

So we may never know “definitively” that the Covid-19 virus was a man-made lab leak, but the energy department’s new evidence — though it is secret evidence — puts another nail in the coffin of the lab leak theory deniers.
The FBI apparently agrees with energy, while other Intel agencies haven’t fully weighed in yet. Hopefully we will learn more from Republican House investigations in the weeks ahead.
There are two topics that interest me a lot. One is from a constitutional attorney, Jonathan Turley, who believes the Covid lab leak is a scandal of press and government censorship here in the U.S.
Both the government and the press have continuously thwarted efforts to inform the public about virtually every aspect of Covid — face masks, vaccines, shutdowns, natural immunity, and on and on.
We’ll let Mr. Turley speak for himself about his fine column today, but the whole issue of left-wing media and government censorship is a scandal. An absolute scandal.
The second point that interests me is China’s Chernobyl-style cover-up. Even before the lethal virus came to America’s shores, millions of Chinese had died from it. But the Communist Party was in complete denial and complete cover-up mode.
Tidbits of information would dribble out but the authorities would stomp on them immediately. Yet there’s another catastrophic issue embedded in the China cover-up: They continue to allow Chinese, including residents of Wuhan, to travel overseas.
In particular, there’s a strong link in the fashion/garment industry, where more than 300,000 Chinese workers are employed in Milan, Italy. While America moved quickly to ban travel with Europe, after having moved even faster before that to ban travel with China, the Europeans did not ban their travel with China. Italy became a hotbed of Covid, and without travel restrictions it spread throughout Europe and made its way to America in tragically enormous numbers.
President Trump tried to stop the tide with travel restrictions on China and Europe. He was especially concerned that the American hospital system needed some breathing room to accommodate the Covid build-up here at home.
He was heavily criticized by Joe Biden and Democrats. They called him a “racist” repeatedly. Just as that same left-wing crowd labeled anybody promoting the China lab-leak theory as racist or conspiracist.
Yet here’s a catastrophic point: While the Chinese saw the Covid infection spreading like wildfire in Europe and America, they did nothing to stop travel. Many people believe the Chinese Communist Party figured, “Well, it’s hurt our economy and our people, so let’s let the virus spread and damage the Western people just as much.”
In effect, by allowing travel and by covering up what happened in the Wuhan lab, China essentially weaponized Covid to the detriment of the rest of the world.
Can I prove these assertions beyond a shadow of a doubt? No, but I can sure think about them.
From Mr. Kudlow’s broadcast on Fox Business News.