Enjoy Earth Day, but Don’t Buy the Biden Climate Lie
The Bidens have taken NEPA, which has served some useful purposes through the years, and utterly perverted its mission.

You probably don’t know this, because you have to look long and hard to find any reference to it, but today is Earth Day. Now, CNN is covering this non-event, and in fact they’ve got their own little Earth Week going. It figures, doesn’t it?
Also, there’s a brutal story in the Washington Examiner reminding us that the founder of Earth Day, a very smart Ivy League graduate, unfortunately murdered his former girlfriend. Authorities in Philadelphia had to chase him all over the globe. They found the girlfriend’s corpse in a trunk in the guy’s apartment. After many years they tracked him down and he was then tried, convicted, and sentenced to life in prison. Just saying.
It’s worth noting that Earth Day began in 1970, which is when the National Environment Protection Act was passed and the Environmental Protection Agency was created.
All this under a Republican president, Richard Nixon. You know what? Over the last five decades, the United States has made tremendous progress regarding its relationship with the planet. As of now, the U.S. has the cleanest air and water and the lowest carbon emissions of any major country on Earth.
So if any of you want to attribute these remarkably positive achievements to the inception of Earth Day, even though the founder killed his girlfriend and put her in a trunk, I’m okay with it.
That is, I’m okay with the progress on clean air and clean water. I do not recommend killing your girlfriend and putting her in a trunk.
All that said, the key point is, we simply do not have some kind of existential climate crisis, despite what virtually every person in the Biden administration from the top on down keeps telling us. That so-called climate risk is a BIG LIE.
Just recently, the Bidens have taken NEPA, which has served some useful purposes through the years, and utterly perverted its mission. NEPA is the environmental gate that opens the door to all sorts of important infrastructure in this country.
It had gotten pretty long in the tooth, with permitting decisions often postponed by 10 or 15 years, until President Trump came along and slashed red tape in order to deregulate permitting, cutting wait times to less than 2 years.
So, important projects that would hire millions of hard-hat blue-collar American workers could proceed and give the economy a supply-side boost.
Now, however, the radical woke greenies in the Biden White House have made a mockery of NEPA and infrastructure. Instead of fast-tracking permits for bridges, roads, highways, tunnels, fracking, pipelines, critical mineral resource mining, utility transmissions for renewable and fossil power, or nuclear energy, the new NEPA rules out this week will prevent all of this — and inflict severe punishment on the economy.
There may not be another new highway bridge, pipeline, or even wind energy transmission line in my lifetime. The motto of this crazy White House rule is, “no new construction.”
This is to be accomplished through newfangled metrics that are unsubstantiated and non-scientific, including social carbon costs, so-called cumulative environmental impact, direct impact, indirect impact, social justice, equality, underserved communities … I mean, the thing reads like a left-wing, woke manifesto.
All that’s missing is a rule that would keep parents out of school board meetings. Maybe we’ll find that, too, in the fine print.
I want to refer again to the Wall Street Journal op-ed where Senator Romney said President Biden “needs to ditch his woke advisers and surround himself with people who want to get the economy working again.”
That’s so true, but so far it isn’t happening. I also want to refer to my pal Bjorn Lomborg, the Hoover Institution scholar who has told us time and again that through a combination of economic growth and innovation we can solve climate issues over the next hundred years. That’s the way to do it.
Mr. Lomborg, by the way, has pointed out that planet-wide these crazy, woke climate policies that would end fossil fuels with no alternatives would cost $5 trillion a year. Economic growth and technology advances that would flow from sound economic principles will do the trick.
Stop the spending, borrowing, money printing, and regulating. Unleash the supply side of the economy. Keep the tax rates as low as possible.
Then we can truly help the planet solve its problems without bankrupting families and ending prosperity. Now that would be a good Earth Day.
From Mr. Kudlow’s broadcast on Fox Business News.