Haley Says She Will Vote for Trump Despite Their Disputes During GOP Primaries

‘Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me and not assume that they’re just going to be with him,’ she avers.

AP/Robert F. Bukaty
Nikki Haley at Franklin Pierce University in New Hampshire. AP/Robert F. Bukaty

COLUMBIA, South Carolina — The former American ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, said Wednesday that she will be voting for her primary election rival, President Trump, in the general election, encouraging the presumptive GOP nominee to work hard to win support from those who backed her in the primary.

“I will be voting for Trump,” Mrs. Haley said during an event at the Hudson Institute at Washington.

But Mrs. Haley also made it clear that she feels Mr. Trump has work to do to win over voters who supported her during the course of the primary campaign, and continue to cast votes for her in ongoing primary contests.

“Having said that, I stand by what I said in my suspension speech,” Mrs. Haley added.

“Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me and not assume that they’re just going to be with him. And I genuinely hope he does that.”

Mrs. Haley shuttered her own bid for the GOP nomination two months ago but did not immediately endorse Mr. Trump. Both candidates were sharply critical of each other during the primary.

Associated Press

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