In Biden Laptop Case, It’s the Arrogance That Infuriates Americans
President Biden is in big trouble on corruption. It hasn’t been completely proved yet, but folks are starting to put two and two together.

Senator Scott spoke with me last night about some of the problems facing the country.
“Now, the probably the biggest issue is this runaway inflation,” the Republican of Florida said. “The Biden administration has caused the border crisis and what’s going to happen now with getting rid of Title 42? That’s a big deal, you know, not being energy independent, but I think fraud and corruption infuriates people and infuriates Republicans, independents, and Democrats.”
Let me repeat that: Fraud and corruption infuriates people. It infuriates Republicans, independents, and Democrats.
In the last few days we have seen more examples of fraud and corruption.
First, the special counsel and U.S. attorney, John Durham, released a new filing this week that shows a Hillary Clinton campaign attorney, Michael Sussmann, allegedly lied to the FBI in 2016.
The filing shows he tried to hide his ties to the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee when he asked the FBI’s general counsel, James Baker, for a meeting, saying: “I’m coming on my own — not on behalf of a client or a company — want to help bureau. Thanks.”
The prosecutors have charged Mr. Sussmann lied to the FBI because when he presented phony evidence linking President Trump and Russia’s Alpha bank, he was representing the Clinton campaign.
The charge that there was a link between Mr. Trump and the Russian bank was completely false — it was debunked even by the special counsel, Robert Mueller. Mr. Durham’s brief argues that the FBI would have treated the information differently if it had known Mr. Sussmann was billing the Clinton campaign for the meeting.
The Trump charge was a complete falsehood and the Clinton campaign coverup was a falsehood. The falsehood about Mr. Trump was echoed later by tweets from the Clinton campaign saying “computer scientists” uncovered the phony link to Alpha bank.
By the way, President Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, merchandised these false allegations as “the most direct link yet between Donald Trump and Moscow.”
A total lie. Also, Mr. Sussmann lied in front of the House intelligence committee when he was asked if he met with the FBI and the CIA. He replied, “No.” Another lie.
Also in the news, Mr. Biden’s chief of staff, Ron Klain, threw Hunter Biden and his laptop and the president’s own brother, Jim, under the bus — to use Miranda Devine’s apt phrase — on a recent Sunday talk show when he said the president had no knowledge of Hunter Biden’s business dealings. He said it was a completely private matter.
Then we find out from a Fox News report stemming from Hunter Biden’s laptop that in 2012 Mr. Klain, then Vice President Biden’s former chief of staff and a foundation head at the time, emailed Hunter Biden to bail out some construction for the Veep’s house at the naval observatory to the tune of $20,000.
But if nobody knew of Hunter’s business activities, how did they know he had a lot of money? I mean maybe he was a homeless person. Oops: They knew he had a lot of money.
They also knew that Hunter Biden had been financing his father’s expenses for many years and the idea that Papa Biden had no conversations with his son begs credulity. The whole thing’s a lie, and Ron Klain knows it’s a lie.
Now I’m not going to go through all the Hunter Biden laptop charges. He shaked down money from China, Russia, and Ukraine; the meeting at Cafe Milano between the father and the influence peddlers; the 10 percent for the big guy; how Joe Biden popped up with nearly $20 million where nobody can figure out the source, and on and on.
That’s grist for another day’s discussion. For today, we have a new fraud hot off the press.
Even though Papa Biden didn’t know anything about Hunter’s international business, he was okay with writing a college recommendation letter to Brown University at Hunter’s request for the son of Jonathan Li, who was the CEO of the Chinese investment firm BHR. Now how did that come to happen? Why would Papa Joe write a letter for the son of somebody he never heard of?
Oh, wait: Son Hunter told him who Jonathan Li was and what BHR was, and what BHR was paying them. A connection, by the way, that still may be ongoing. But these were just personal matters, never discussed by father and son.
I don’t know — people ask me for letters of recommendation every now and then. I ask who they are, what they do, even where they’re from. By the way, I wouldn’t recommend anybody to Brown. Just saying.
Here’s another one, hot off the press yesterday, by Susan Ferricio of the Washington Times: “Millions of Dollars From Anonymous Donors Swamped Election Officials in Dem-Heavy Counties in 2020.”
This is a story that really deserves a lot more attention. Mollie Hemingway wrote a book about this, that Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, just happened to pour $350 million into key election swing states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and key counties to finance election workers who are usually local officials. You don’t think Mr. Zuckerberg was trying to get Democratic partisans to steer mail-in ballots and the harvesting that came with it?
A ton of this money went into swing states Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. But then we find out that left-wing dark money was also part of the Zuckerberg package — perhaps up to another hundred million for a nonprofit that doesn’t report its contributors. This is dishonest and corrupt. Mr. Zuckerberg and his crew were also big players in Georgia, to the tune of $45 million.
If Mr. Trump had carried Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia he’d be president today. As Mollie Hemingway has written, this election was rigged before the voting even started.
Then, of course, polls show that if voters knew about Hunter Biden’s laptop with mainstream media credibility, perhaps 10 percent of Mr. Biden’s voters would’ve gone with Mr. Trump, also changing the election.
All these stories are about corruption. Senator Scott is right: The public hates it. Voters want transparency, not cover-ups. Politicians rarely get away with cover-ups even though they keep trying. Not all presidents are corrupt, thankfully. Reagan wasn’t. Papa Bush wasn’t. “W” wasn’t. Obama wasn’t. Bill Clinton, unfortunately, was.
Try as they might, Democrats have utterly failed to show any Trump corruption, though frankly he’s probably the most hounded president in history.
Mr. Biden is in big trouble on corruption. It hasn’t been completely proved yet, but folks are starting to put two and two together.
That Hunter Biden laptop is a hornet’s nest about to explode. The public has rejected Mr. Biden’s far-left agenda on inflation, on the collapse of the southern border, on radical climate change, on parents as domestic terrorists, on surging crime, on Afghanistan, and on energy.
All these would be bone-crushing enough for Mr. Biden, but if these fraud and corruption charges plaguing him and his son and their cronies turn out to have one scintilla of truth, it will destroy what’s left of his already imploding presidency.
The political arrogance of falsehoods, fraud, and corruption makes for very bad policy-making. Politicians who think they can steal from the public, or lie to them for their own ends, are politicians who will give you very bad economic policy, bad foreign policy, bad border policy, and on and on.
Thank heavens smart American voters see right through all the falsehoods and lies, despite what the mainstream media reports. Thank heavens the cavalry’s coming.
From Mr. Kudlow’s broadcast on Fox Business News.