Is John Kerry Going Rogue on Climate Agreements?
House growing antsy over the possibility the climate tsar is signing pacts that have yet to come before Congress.

President Biden’s climate tsar, John Kerry, testified today before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. He said this is a historical moment to grab the opportunity to move to clean energy: “Well, this opportunity to transition to clean energy is without doubt the largest economic opportunity the world has seen since the industrial revolution.”
Even bigger than the industrial revolution? No grandiosity there.
Among other things, Mr. Kerry wants America to spend $100 billion for less developed countries so they can make this grandiose transition to clean energy. He wants to end gas-powered cars and go 100 percent electric by 2035.
He believes the so-called climate crisis is a threat to our national security. He’s fallen in love with the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act, which he says has already created 100,000 jobs. He says every step he’s taken is based on the best science available. Phew, breathtaking: I’m gasping for air — for clean air, of course.
With all this said, by our climate tsar, let me add a couple of notes to his song book. First of all, he’s a Cabinet member who has never been confirmed by the Senate. He’s got a 45-member staff. He jets all around the globe.
He may well be making climate deals or climate treaties that no one knows about, because it’s basically a rogue operation, and he is not held accountable to anybody. There’s no congressional oversight — and he wouldn’t talk about his operations today before the Foreign Affairs Committee.
According to the Unleash Prosperity Hotline, the House Oversight Committee chairman, James Comer is hauling Mr. Kerry before his committee to explain how he can unilaterally sign up America for pricey climate agreements. None of this is constitutional. There’s been no congressional appropriation, and basically nobody knows what this guy’s doing.
Additionally, on the point of science, I want to again refer back to President Biden’s Council of Economic Advisers and his Office of Management and Budget, which together just published a white paper that basically says modestly warmer temperatures like 2-4 degrees Fahrenheit has no impact on the economy.
Over the last 125 years, a 2 percent-plus temperature jump led to estimates of a half of 1 percent loss of GDP. That’s not an annual loss; that’s the loss in the level of output over 125 years. Think we can live with that? Well, we’ve done pretty well over the last century and a quarter, don’t you think?
Going forward, using UN estimates of a roughly 2 degree-plus or even maybe 4 degree-plus warmer temperatures will again have virtually no economic impact over the next 80-100 years. We’ve talked about this before. This is a CEA/OMB white paper. It is an honest effort to catalog the science.
There is no industrial revolution for climate purposes. There is no existential threat. There is no banking collapse. There is no need to shut down fossil fuels.
There is a small warming trend, no denying it, but it is not the apocalyptic vision or version of Mr. Biden or Mr. Kerry or Secretary Yellen or the hordes of greenies inhabiting the Biden administration.
By the way, talking about science, American technological inventions, innovations, and advances are likely to produce not only declining carbon numbers, as we have been doing, but also fabulous prosperity opportunities for this great country of ours. That is, as long as we stop the Biden command and control central planning policies to turn everything green overnight.
Maybe somebody like Mr. Comer or whoever will lasso Mr. Kerry, tighten the rope, and tie him up to a good sturdy fence post for the next hundred years.
From Mr. Kudlow’s broadcast on Fox Business Network.