‘Sheer Insanity’ Is the Term for President Biden’s Canceling Oil and Gas Leases in Alaskan Wildlife Refuge

The contracts were mandated by Congress as far back as 2017, suggesting dispute could go to the Supreme Court.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. In an aggressive move that angered Republicans, the Biden administration on September 6, 2023, canceled seven oil and gas leases in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. AP/file

Sheer insanity. That’s right: Sheer. Insanity. That is what President Biden has unleashed by killing oil and gas drilling in Alaska.  

They’re canceling all remaining oil and gas leases issued in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. These were leases granted under the Trump administration. These lease sales were mandated by Congress in 2017. 

According to the U.S. Oil and Gas Association, the arbitrary cancellation of these leases mandated by Congress breaks longstanding legal contracts between the federal government and the oil and gas industry. In other words, Mr. Biden’s breaking the law — not unlike with student loan cancellations or the EPA riding roughshod over the Supreme Court.  

Just as bad, or worse, the Department of the Interior would also bar any new oil or gas leasing on 10.6 million acres — or more than 40 percent — of the National Petroleum Reserve. Not that Mr. Biden cares.  

The GOP House passed a bill in March that would boost oil and gas production and accelerate new projects by streamlining environmental reviews. In other words, unlock the fossil fuel spigots. In other words, drill for what Mr. Trump calls “liquid gold.” 

Now, think of this: The Saudis and the Russians just cut production again, and are now driving up world oil prices toward $100 a barrel. They just announced this on virtually the same day as the Bidens announced the ban on oil drilling in Alaska. What does this tell you?  

Also, there was not a peep of protest against so-called OPEC+. Not a peep of protest. Mr. Biden has abandoned any semblance of energy dominance.  

This is not only a huge negative for economic security, because of high prices — by the way, gas prices are edging back toward $4 a gallon, diesel prices have exploded, and trucking, the lifeblood of the economy, is in dire shape — but Mr. Biden has surrendered national security policy to the Saudis, Russia, Venezuela, and Iran.  

Energy policy is national security policy. That’s not true of climate policy, because these countries — Russia, China, India, Saudi Arabia — care not one whit about Mr. Biden’s make-believe climate catastrophe scenario.  

The U.S. has enormous, long-lived, God-given natural resources, and Mr. Biden won’t use them. Yet, energy is the backbone of the economy. It is liquid gold. It propels the economy. You can’t grow and prosper without power, and Mr. Biden’s windmills will never supply the necessary power. Not even remotely.  

Meanwhile, Mr. Biden’s climate apocalypse scenario is utter nonsense. There’s a story out there that is barely covered: More than 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, declare the climate “emergency” a myth. You find this story in the Federalist, JustTheNews, the Epoch Times, and a related story in this week’s New York Post.  

It goes like this: A coalition of 1,609 scientists from around the world have signed a declaration stating “there is no climate emergency” and that they “strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy” being pushed across the globe. 

This group including two Nobelists does not deny carbon climate-related problems and issues. What they do deny is the hysteria, the idea that there is some sort of existential climate risk immediately in front of us.  

Nobelist Dr. John F. Clauser is quoted as saying: “Misguided climate science has metastasized into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience.”  

In other words, Mr. Biden’s climate emergency is a “hoax.” But the president is spending trillions of dollars while inflicting enormous damage on our economy at home and our security abroad. Even adding insult to injury, Mr. Biden is the first president who will not visit any memorials on 9/11; instead, he is going to Alaska to essentially spit in the face of one of the world’s cleanest, deepest, and most powerful oil and gas industries.  

Like I say: This is sheer, utter insanity. Save America. Retire Joe Biden. 

From Mr. Kudlow’s broadcast on Fox Business News.

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