The Drag of Biden’s Nanny-State Nags
Remember life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? The nags don’t, because they think they know better than you do, and they want to tell you what you can and cannot have.

You ever think about what a bunch of pain-in-the-neck nags the Biden administration officials are? That’s right, nags. As in, nanny-state nags. You can’t do this. You can’t do that. You can’t have this. You can’t have that.
We’re going to tell you what you can and cannot have, because we know better than you do. Anything that works is going to be taken away. Because we’re smarter than you are. Ordinary working people are really a bunch of dummies and can’t get through the day without highfalutin, overly educated, supercilious, arrogant bureaucrats telling us how to live.
It’s called the “nanny state.”
The latest is a piece from our friend Katie Pavlich at titled: “Biden takes on valiant fight against” … wait for it … “gas stoves.” The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is getting ready to allegedly ban gas stoves — because of harmful indoor air pollutants.
To attempt to back up its valiant fight, the CPSC has all these junk-science studies, including my favorite, one from Stanford University, which mentions only 53 homes — all in California. Ah, the fruits and nuts strike again. The entire country is going to be mandated by 53 California homes: Really?
Even Senator Manchin, who was bought off by the Bidens months ago, is up in arms and is telling us he will never leave his home without his gas stove. Read it and weep.
Of course, chefs and restaurateurs are already going bonkers because no self-respecting chef will cook on anything but a gas stove. Personally, my saintly wife uses electric stoves, but we mostly order out.
Actually, some studies show the lower-income segment will be hurt the most by this insane mandate, but all these left-wing Biden bureaucrats just won’t stop nannying us. Beside the assault on gas stoves, today apparently is the last day you can use an incandescent light bulb.
Now, how stupid is that? Everyone has to use these LED fluorescent light bulbs, supposedly to save electricity. Well, if electricity is scarce, especially in California, it’s because the crazy climate people won’t let you frack for natural gas. Which gets us back to your stove — but I already talked about that.
Meanwhile, LED light bulbs flicker and give you headaches. I’d rather drill for natural gas, or build nuclear plants, and therefore have plenty of electricity on hand so I don’t have to ruin my eyes, or my brain. But the Biden nannies won’t stop with your stove or your bedroom lighting. They’re heavy into your bathroom too.
They won’t let you have a decent flushing toilet, or a good strong shower. By the way, these are things President Trump rebelled against and tried hard to fight, but that’s a different riff. Just saying.
Of course, going back outdoors, in a couple of years you won’t be able to have your own gasoline-powered car. You’re going to have to have an electric vehicle. So let me get this right: The electricity we save from light bulbs will be used up on EVs.
Or, if you have an EV today, you can’t plug it in to recharge the battery because — you guessed it — there’s a shortage of electricity in California, because they won’t let you drill for natural gas. Does this stuff sound stupid? Well, yeah, it is.
People hate nanny states. That’s why they don’t like central planners, or big-government socialists. America is a freedom place. We want to live the way we see fit. We don’t like being bossed around.
Remember life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? We fought a War of Independence over that, remember? In those days, the worst nanny was King George III, and look what we did to him.
Americans are smart, not dumb. They love to have their choices — even though the Biden nannies want to take your choices away. And to come back to Katie Pavlich’s “valiant fight” against gas stoves: Is this gas stove thing really among the three or four most important issues facing America today?
President Biden’s down in Mexico, desperately trying to avoid responsibility for 3 million illegal immigrants crossing his border with terrible drugs killing hundreds of thousands of Americans. He has no solution except to have his minions sweep the streets of El Paso clean for 20 minutes. Really?
Why doesn’t Mr. Biden just ask the Mexican president to restore Remain in Mexico? Because he is in favor of that policy. Or finish building the wall. Or cooperate with Mexican troops to guard the border like Mr. Trump did? Or extend Title 42 to guard against public health catastrophes?
Why hasn’t Mr. Biden made a valiant fight against that? Or even developed a merit-based legal immigration system, which is what civilized countries have?
Or Mr. Biden could start listening to a new Republican Congress that wants to spend less, tax less, regulate less, and nanny less in order to launch a much-needed long cycle of prosperity that would make Americans a whole lot wealthier and happier than they are today.
Now that would be a valiant fight, wouldn’t it? Not quite as important to some as your gas stove, your light bulb, your toilet, your shower, and your electric vehicle, but long-term prosperity just might turn out to be something bigger than a gas stove.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Think of it.
From Mr. Kudlow’s broadcast on Fox Business News.