The Truth About the Democratic Campaign
A threat to democracy exists, but it’s not coming from President Trump.

No doubt unwittingly, Juan Williams, the amiable and absolutely predictable apologist for the American left, an exotic outlier at Fox News, has explained with commendable clarity in an article in The Hill on October 31 why the highest and most impeccable interests of the Western world and the United States in particular, require that in the midterm elections next week the incumbent Democratic administration and congressional majorities be overwhelmingly rebuked and humiliatingly defeated.
The title of the Williams piece, which is justified by its contents, is “Democracy Hangs in the Balance in the Midterms.” Guileless, personable, and utterly implacable in his apologia for the American left, no matter how hopeless, degraded, and unrelievedly failed it may be and is, in the last week before the Biden-Harris imposture is thrust by the voters into its winding-sheet, Mr. Williams intrepidly, robotically, fired the only cannon that remains in the armory of the self-identifying progressive left.
It is indicative of the ingenuous wide-eyed credulity with which Mr. Williams will relentlessly plod through his whitewash of the total failure of the American left, almost expressionlessly, as if on autocue, that he does not blanch, waiver, or equivocate for a moment in his narrative, which directly states that no issues in the midterm elections have any importance whatever except the recognition of what he represents to be so obvious a fact that he need not cite any evidence in support of it.
Mr. Williams contends that not only is Donald Trump a mortal enemy of American constitutional democracy, every election of a Republican to any office in the country next week constitutes a body blow to constitutional democracy and human liberty in the United States.
Mr. Williams is the only semi-respectable, completely programmed left-wing commentator who could be relied upon to state such a totalitarian falsehood with no apparent venom or ill-will, calmly and pleasantly as if he were reciting baseball scores to his family.
No less convinced a bearer of his insane message could be entrusted with it: he is not only astounded by it — it is a matter of the unconscionably poor judgment of the great majority of his countrymen that they would pay any attention at all to skyrocketing inflation and urban violent crime and illegal immigration.
These are grossly exaggerated trifles, if they exist at all. Those accustomed to his unchanging comments as a Fox News panelist are familiar with Mr. Williams’ technique of saying that because purse-snatching in Palookaville has declined by one percent, the dramatic increases in most categories of violent crime at New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and most other great cities is misunderstood and overblown.
Mr. Williams sidles up to hanging the brutal assault on Paul Pelosi in his home in San Francisco on the Republicans, since they are the lawbreakers-in-chief in the United States. He veritably swaggers into reproaching the national political media, which is notoriously biased against Republicans, (apart from Trump-hating Republicans), for “constantly pushing voters into traps of distraction created by Republicans peddling baseless conspiracies about election fraud. Why not pull the mask off their scary ads about crime and immigration, full of racist winks and anti-Semitic vibes?”
It all becomes desperately simple: Republicans are responsible for crime and Republicans are Jew-baiters and racists. Mr. Trump isn’t running for office next week but many Republican candidates are Trump supporters. Indeed the Democrats, in their sandbox Machiavellianism generously contributed over $50 million to Trump-supported Republican candidates in their party’s primaries, because they would supposedly be easier opponents to defeat in the general election; almost all are now leading in the polls.
Mr. Williams has sounded the trumpet for the last retreat: it is cowardly, unpatriotic, and reckless for voters to pay any attention to the total failure of the Democratic administration and Congress, and all true Americans must defeat the Republicans because of Mr. Trump’s prominence among them. Mr. Williams is right to point out that a great many Americans feel democracy is under threat, but the apparent majority of those who do are disturbed by what Mr. Williams describes as “the delusion” that there was anything untoward in the 2020 election result.
Millions of unsolicited mail-in ballots were sent to voters during the 2020 election, raising concerns about ballot harvesting and uncertainty over who made out the ballots, who cast them, and in whose hands they were between when they were marked up and when they were counted. If 50,000 votes had flipped in Pennsylvania and any two of Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin, Mr. Trump would have won in the Electoral College. It was obviously an election of uncertain real outcome, and instead of just being a useful tout for the corrupt ward-healers of the Democratic Party, Mr. Williams should read the book, ”Rigged” by his frequent fellow Fox News panelist, Molly Hemingway. The Democrats want to abolish all verification of ballots and make ballot harvesting obligatory.
According to Mr. Williams, the January 6 committee, which must rank just behind the Trump-Russia collusion fraud and the impeachment of Mr. Trump for asking if there were anything controversial in the Biden family’s financial dealings in Ukraine, as the most monstrous political smear job since Watergate, in fact “documented with sworn testimony from some Republicans, that the former president plotted a violent attempt to overturn the last presidential election.”
All civic-minded Americans should be grateful to Mr. Williams for stripping the entire Democratic campaign naked and disclosing it in the full electoral light of high noon as a fat, odious, malodorous lie — not a misunderstanding, not a mistaken characterization, not mere hyperbole or campaign hijinks; the deliberate, malicious, and corrupt promotion of the exact opposite of the objective truth.
There is a threat to democracy, but it does not come from the admittedly bumptious and frequently untruthful but much-wronged Donald Trump and his partisans. It comes from the unfathomable sleaze of the Clinton-Obama-Biden Democrats and the myth-making idiots, useful and otherwise, who toil in their service.