The Real Issues Biden Fails To Mention
With all due respect, Mr. President, your ‘threat to democracy’ theme is not what Americans are overwhelmingly concerned about. Every poll is the same: inflation, economy, and crime are the top concerns.

Let’s start with this from President Biden’s speech last night: “Recent polls have shown an overwhelming majority of Americans believe our democracy is at risk, that our democracy is under threat.”
With all due respect, Mr. President, your “threat to democracy” theme is not what Americans are overwhelmingly concerned about. Every poll, no matter where you look — liberal or conservative — the numbers come out the same: inflation, economy, crime. Then, to a lesser extent, open borders, fentanyl and drugs, abortion … none of which you brought up last night.
Frankly, for a primetime election speech, it wasn’t much.
I mean, everybody’s for democracy, right? Everybody’s for orderly elections. Everybody’s for a quiet, peaceful, civil society. Everybody knows that the attack on the speaker of the House’s husband, Paul Pelosi, was a horrible, terrible event. Everybody knows this, and wishes him well in recovery.
I’d love to end the conversation there, but you’re politicizing it and trying to use it as a political weapon against Republicans, and that’s nonsense.
Okay, you didn’t mention how a follower of Senator Sanders shot Congressman Steve Scalise a few years ago, and fired at others, at a congressional baseball practice, for heaven’s sake. Or, how a left-wing lunatic tried to assassinate a Supreme Court justice, Brett Kavanaugh.
These are all horrible things. So why must you politicize everything? That’s your problem.
All year long, you’ve tried to make President Trump and his 74 million voters an issue. And you’ve failed to do so.
You keep talking about election deniers, yet common sense says there’s no reason why honest people can’t ask questions about some of these election-related issues, rules for mail-in ballots, harvesting, and so-forth. What’s wrong with that in a free-speech democracy?
One of your favorite candidates, Stacey Abrams in Georgia, to this day denies that Governor Kemp won his 2018 election. She still denies it.
Yet Mr. Kemp won, and he’s going to absolutely shellac her on Tuesday this time, and no one has tried to make this election denialism on her part an issue. Because it’s boring and stupid.
You are desperately trying to make a mountain out of a miniscule mole hill, and that’s your problem.
The real issues you didn’t mention last night: economy and inflation, gas prices, crime. They’re the problems America actually faces in reality.
After two years, your policies have utterly failed. You’ve waged war against fossil fuels, which has caused lower production and higher prices. In fact, gas prices in key election states are once again rising — in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, and New Hampshire.
You’ve raided the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, thereby damaging our national security and handing energy power over to the Saudis, who then give you the back of their hand and cut back on oil production — which cancels out your wasteful SPR sales.
Then, you keep telling people that you inherited a terrible recession, which is a boldfaced lie. Growth was 6.5 percent, inflation nil.
Then, you used that phony argument to push through a $2 trillion spending package, which launched the inflation. Then you kept on supporting more spending packages, and the inflation kept rising, aided and abetted by a weak Fed chairman who printed a ton of new money.
This past year, you’ve kept backing big spending packages. Now, you’re adding to Medicaid spending without any congressional approval. Over two years, you’ve given us $5 trillion of new debt, which will come back to haunt everybody down the road.
On top of all that, working people keep plugging away, doing their jobs, but their wage gains are destroyed by your inflation. Real wages have dropped 18 consecutive months, measured year over year.
That is why you and your party have lost the votes of blue-collar hardhats and others who used to line up with Democrats and have now jumped ship to Republicans.
You’ve tried to use abortion as a wedge issue, insulting the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v. Wade, but you have lost suburban mothers anyway because grocery bills have gone up 17 percent in your first two years — the same reason you are losing Hispanic votes, Asian votes, and African American votes.
You hate business, impugn the patriotism of our energy companies, don’t understand why an excess profits tax on oil would make everything worse, and don’t understand why the cost of hundreds of everyday goods and services are going up rapidly — all because of your policies.
You never mention crime, because your party wants to defund the police. You never mention fentanyl or drugs, because of your open border policies. You’re afraid to talk about education, because you’ve labeled parents “domestic terrorists” — and yet you have the gall to talk about “threats to democracy.” Your agencies are obsessed with something called “misinformation” and work with social media to stop free speech.
For all these reasons and more, your party is about to take a drubbing. Your radical left, big-government socialist policies have done enormous damage to this country. You have attacked the very soul of America with your wokeism.
It’s really a tragedy, but you know what? Everyday common sense working Americans are stronger and tougher and smarter than you are. They are not buying what you’re selling.
This is a great country and not even your woke socialist policies will bring it down, and that’s why the cavalry is coming on Tuesday.
From Mr. Kudlow’s broadcast on Fox Business News.