‘We’re Going To Pull Together as Americans’: Trump’s Bronx Tale Is a Message to Voters of All Colors

A most unusual Republican rally, in a most unusual place, with a most unusual crowd for a Republican rally.

Spencer Platt/Getty Images
President Trump speaks at a rally on May 23, 2024, at the Bronx, New York, in part to reach out to its large Latino community. Spencer Platt/Getty Images

President Trump’s powerful speech last night in the Bronx was a message to Americans of all colors.

He spoke to a crowd of ten or twenty thousand people last night at Crotona Park at the South Bronx. And here’s the key point: they were primarily people of color.

A most unusual Republican rally, in a most unusual place, with a most unusual crowd for a Republican rally in a most unusual place.

Take a listen to what Mr. Trump said about this unusual story: 

“It doesn’t matter whether you’re Black, or brown, or white or whatever the hell color you are it doesn’t matter. We are all Americans. And we’re going to pull together as Americans.”

Right there, that, the sociology about that crowd, is a shot across the bow of President Biden and the Democratic Party.

Governor Hochul is one of the very many Democrats who don’t understand what’s going on in Trump world.

She said Mr. Trump is inviting “all his clowns to a place like the Bronx.” She doesn’t understand the Trump coalition of working folks of all colors that is busting up the traditional Democratic Party.

What’s their beef? High inflation. Falling real wages.

A wide-open southern border — where roughly 10 million illegal Biden immigrants have taken jobs from native Americans and slashed wages for ordinary homegrown working folks who show up every day, do their jobs, pay their taxes, and now realize Biden policies have mangled the American dream.

Unlike Mr. Biden, Mr. Trump has a positive vision of the future. 

“We’re going to throw out Bidenomics,” he says, “then going to replace it with MAGAnomics — like your hats.” 

He adds: “I will give you low taxes, low inflation, low interest rates, rising wages, growing incomes and fair trade for the American worker. And we will make energy affordable again by saying, drill, baby, drill, drill, baby, drill.”

Last weekend, Mr. Biden gave a speech about fear, racism, Jim Crow, and victimization to a graduating class at Morehouse College — one of America’s best schools whose graduates typically earn far higher starting salaries than the national average.

Did Mr. Biden talk about hope? No.

Did he talk about opportunity? No.

Did he talk about the American dream? No.

He gave a typical, far-left, racialized, fearmongering, condescending statement that basically said to this historic Black men’s college: “you’re not going to succeed.”

Just pathetic.

Mr. Trump is the exact opposite.

He offers hope, opportunity, a dream of what the future should look like, and, yes, MAGA — Make America Great Again. 

He offers a series of serious policy changes.

A truly optimistic and Reaganesque message. 

Additionally, Mr. Trump spent part of his Bronx speech talking about his career as a construction worker and real estate developer.

Let’s not forget, he practically rebuilt the Manhattan skyline.

In his own words, he said, “the Wolman Rink in the middle of Central Park. You know that story that had been under construction for more than ten years? As you know, the rink was completed in just three months for far less than the $2 million project.” 

He also touted his renovation of the old Commodore Hotel into the Grand Hyatt Hotel at 42nd Street next to Grand Central Terminal, adding, “Did a really good job of that.” The renovation “set the stage for Grand Central Terminal’s restoration in the 1990s,” the New York Post reports.

Mr. Trump was after all a very successful businessman with a background of accomplishment and success.

And he will undoubtedly bring like-minded people into his new administration if re-elected.

The New York Post editorial page put it thus: “Our advice to Trump: Do this more! Your business background was part of what appealed to voters in 2016.”

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

It is all part of Donald Trump’s amazing Bronx Tale.

From Mr. Kudlow’s broadcast on Fox Business Network.

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