Why Iran Keeps Attacking Americans — At an Astounding Ratio of 17 to One
A ‘pathetic’ response from the Biden administration shows weakness and encourages aggression.

There have been at least 52 attacks against Americans by Iranian proxies since the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel — including four attacks on Americans in a 24-hour period last weekend.
According to Reuters on November 13: “So far, at least 56 U.S. personnel have suffered everything from minor wounds to traumatic brain injuries, though all have returned to duty, the Pentagon has said.” The Pentagon has admitted that at least two dozen troops may have suffered from traumatic brain injury.
The American response so far has been pathetic. After 52 attacks, there have been three retaliatory strikes by American forces — and two of those were against empty buildings. In other words, Iranian proxies have attacked Americans at a ratio of 17 to 1.
We are watching one of the dumbest American national security policies in the long history of our country. President Joe Biden is in a dance with the Iranian dictatorship, which is entirely to the advantage of the Iranians.
For reasons that are hard to fathom, both Presidents Obama and Biden have had a fixation with trying to work with the Iranian dictatorship. What makes this Obama-Biden policy amazingly stupid is the evidence, in words and deeds, that the Iranian dictatorship hates America and wants to undermine and ultimately destroy America.
It is routine for the Iranian parliament to chant “Death to Israel. Death to America.” In case some Americans don’t get the message, Ayatollah Khomeini clarified recently that, “it is not just a slogan — it is a policy.”
Since Iran is the primary funder, trainer, and weapons supplier for the terrorist organization Hamas — and the policy of Hamas is “not a single Jew will remain” — we have reasonable evidence that the Iranians are serious about destroying both Israel and the United States.
The Biden administration talks a good game. Secretary Austin said, “The president has no higher priority than the safety of U.S. personnel, and he directed today’s action to make clear that the United States will defend itself, its personnel and its interests.” Of course, after the tough words nothing serious has been done.
The simple fact is: It is entirely to Iran’s advantage to hit the Americans with forces paid for, trained, equipped, and ultimately controlled by Iran while the United States ignores Iran’s role and retaliates against only its proxies.
We need to be clear that the real problem in the region is not Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, or any other Iranian-funded proxy group. The problem in the region is the Iranian dictatorship and its passionate commitment to dominating the region — and ultimately creating a new Caliphate based at Tehran.
The correct American strategy would be to focus all responsibility on Iran. Every time an Iranian proxy attacks an American facility, the response should be to attack an Iranian facility. The goal should be to cut the threat off at its head — not fight one puppet at a time.
Let’s be clear: The Iranians don’t care how many Syrian, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, or other proxy forces we kill. They are simply instruments of Iranian power. However, the Iranians would rapidly change their behavior if we began going after Iranian assets.
When an American base is hit, the answer should be to hit an Iranian base, sink an Iranian warship, or shoot down Iranian military aircraft. It would not take many American efforts focused on Iran for the Iranians to decide they were in a losing game, and that trying to kill Americans is not in their interest.
We have proof that the impact of directly taking on Iran works. When President Donald Trump authorized the killing of General Qasem Soleimani of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps — the most important and best prepared Iranian force seeking to transform the Middle East — the Iranians suddenly grew much more cautious.
In contrast, the Iranians are treating the Biden administration with contempt. Every Biden administration press briefing about getting tough or retaliating is followed by more attacks on Americans.
This pattern will continue until the Biden administration has the courage to hold the terror masters in Tehran responsible for the actions they are funding, equipping, training, and directing.
Until then, Americans will unnecessarily be at risk, and enemies around the world will continue to assume the Biden administration is either gutless or clueless. Either is a genuine national security danger.