Trump Mans Drive-Thru at McDonald’s in Pennsylvania in Effort To Taunt Harris
‘I love McDonald’s,’ the former president says as he stands over the frying station.

President Trump appeared at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s on Sunday to highlight his “everyman” touch and crack jokes with employees. He handed food to customers from the drive-thru window while taking questions from the press.
Just 20 miles north of Pennsylvania on Sunday, the former president took off his suit jacket and donned a McDonald’s apron so he could learn how to man the fry station. “Looks good, let’s make some more,” Trump said while he was being showed how to work the fryer.
“I love McDonald’s. I love jobs. I like to see good jobs,” he told reporters who were in the back of the franchise with him. “This is a great setup, eh?” He then handed out some fries to the staff and reporters who were behind the counter with him.

Trump took control of the drive-thru after learning how to make the french fries, handing orders to drivers as they pulled up to the window. The McDonald’s location was closed to the public during Trump’s appearance there.
“What a good looking family! How did you produce those good-looking kids? They look like the wife,” he joked to a family of five in their car. “Don’t eat too much!” he said to another family.
Trump made sure to mention he would be paying for everyone’s meals as they pulled up to the window.
“Look at the enthusiasm — that’s thousands of people over there!” the former president told reporters of the crowd that had assembled just across the street from the franchise where he was doling out meals.
Vice President Harris has talked much about her experience working at McDonald’s while she was a teenager, though some conservatives have raised doubts about her account because she never mentioned it in previous memoirs or on her resumé as a young lawyer.
“She never worked at McDonald’s,” Trump said to reporters. “I’ve now worked for 15 minutes more than Kamala” at McDonald’s, he added.
Trump is set to appear for a town hall event at Lancaster, Pennsylvania on Sunday afternoon before heading to Pittsburgh for the Steelers–Jets game that night.
Ms. Harris has been campaigning in Georgia during Trump’s shift at McDonald’s, delivering remarks at a church and rallying at a get-out-the-vote event just outside of Atlanta. She is set to travel to Philadelphia on Sunday night, though she has no events planned in the evening.