DEI: We Need a New Word for ‘Over’
DEI may live in the imagination of academics, activists, and errant bishops who don’t mind being turned into tomorrow’s memes, but for the rest of us, it is decidedly deceased.

If President Trump’s Executive Order ending Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs across the federal government was the DEI ideology’s death certificate, its registered time of death may have been five minutes after Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde stopped talking at the Washington National Cathedral on Tuesday morning.
It was then that social media erupted with condemnations of the cleric’s political lecture masked as spiritual sermon, which was designed to embarrass the new president and vice president sitting in the front rows with their families. Instead, the public made sure that her remarks became her own source of humiliation.
The country is weary of self-proclaimed social justice warriors inserting their DEI agenda into every area of American life. Nothing is sacred anymore. Every classroom from kindergarten to graduate school, every church, beer company, medical school, tech company, and fire department has been infiltrated by people like Bishop Budde. Every American has more than once felt like Vice President Vance, who turned to his wife as the bishop referred to illegal aliens as those who “may not have the proper documentation,” wondering if Usha could believe her ears any better than he could believe his.
Americans decided that the entire rotten system had to go. With their votes, they handed President Trump the sword with which to cut off DEI’s head — his presidential pen.
Some still cling to the carcass, like Bishop Budde. In so doing, she makes herself as nationally irrelevant as the Reverend Al Sharpton, who vowed to launch boycotts of companies that comply with the will of the American people and not the demands of the DEI grift-machine. His threats ring as hollow as Bishop Budde’s contention that gay Americans fear for their lives in Donald Trump’s America. The people aren’t listening to this kind of rhetoric anymore. They realize now they never should have.
As Carrie Bradshaw said to Mr. Big in a Season 3 episode of “Sex and the City” after the adulterous duo had demeaned themselves and their doomed relationship irreparably: “We’re so over we need a new word for over.”
President Trump’s commitment to ending DEI was punctuated by another, less talked about Executive Order also signed this past week. The “One Flag Policy” stipulates that no flag other than the American flag (and two military flags) can be flown or displayed at any U.S. government building around the world.
This EO is the stake in the heart of DEI. It literally plants the flag of unification wherever the country is represented and symbolically denies equal standing to the divisive DEI flags of identity-politics interest groups.
DEI may live in the imagination of academics, activists, and errant bishops who don’t mind being turned into tomorrow’s memes, but for the rest of us, it is decidedly deceased. If the Republican-led Congress legislates against it, we will hopefully be able to bury it once and for all.