Trump Is Restoring the Cultural Values of America’s Founding Fathers
He’s transforming American economics, trade policies, the entire federal bureaucracy, energy, and — one that should not be left out — the culture.

President Trump is restoring the cultural values of our Founding Fathers.
Today is Day 5 of Mr. Trump’s new presidency. And he’s already completely transformed American economics, trade policies, the entire federal bureaucracy, energy, and — one that should not be left out — the culture.
And, smack in the middle of Mr. Trump’s transformation of the culture, is his spate of executive orders that have ended sixty years of racial preferences, affirmative action, and DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion).
This is an enormous cultural change. Instead of racial or gender identification, Mr. Trump is moving the United States back to its historic value of merit.
Fittingly, as Mr. Trump was inaugurated on Martin Luther King Day, we can recall King’s famous line:
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
For six decades, the Democratic Party has told Americans in schools, colleges, workplaces, federal and state bureaucracies that the color of our skin or our gender are more important than the Godly virtues of work and achievement.
America was founded on work and achievement.
Democrats — and their increasingly dominant, socialist left wing — have tried to erase the founding values and instead insert their own woke version of both history and daily life.
Mr. Trump has erased the socialist vision and restored the vision of our founders. He has replaced wokeness and weakness with strength and common sense.
And, in so doing, he will unleash more prosperity and strength throughout the country than the far-left statists and socialists could ever dream possible.
And, by the way, as racial preference and affirmative action morph their way into Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, it then became the progenitor of the new left-wing sponsored antisemitism, especially on college campuses.
Well, Mr. Trump’s signatures on executive orders on his very first day in office include a provision that elite universities who fail to rid themselves of the scourge of DEI will lose their federal grants. Ivy League, beware.
Why do I suspect that the elite schools will try to hang on to DEI, under whatever subterfuge they can create?
And already we have seen virtually no progress by these schools to eliminate the scourge of anti-Semitism.
And, while I’m at it, there’s one more area of American culture that Mr. Trump is transforming — and that is religion.
In his inaugural speech, he said: “I was saved by God to make America great again.”
And he had more clergy during his inauguration than any other President I can recall. Even if one of them was nutty enough to attack him in the traditional National Cathedral prayer service.
But Mr. Trump has talked about God before — not only in the context of surviving an assassin’s bullet.
If you go back and look at his speeches down through the years, you’ll see the word “God” and a related word — “righteous.”
The contrast with the far left couldn’t be greater.
Socialists and communists — always godless. Their higher power is the state, or government.
But what Mr. Trump is doing, while he brings back the values of America’s Founding Fathers insofar as merit, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness — is also harkening back to the earlier line in the Declaration of Independence: “we are endowed by our Creator.”
From Mr. Kudlow’s broadcast on Fox Business Network.